What am I?I'm tropical! I have a strong smell that is similar to a lemon but more sweet. There are 150 different kinds of me, and I come in many colors like green, yellow, and red. I'm full of seeds, I can have 100-500 seeds inside! Birds eat me and distribute the seeds so more of my plant grows. Where I growI grow on shrubs and small trees in tropical regions that live for 40 years. I am native to Central and South America. Today I'm grown in other continents like India and Australia. If the weather is good, my plant can produce crops two times per year. After I'm pickedThe color and smell let farmers know I'm ready to pick. Farmers handpick me. I can ripen after I'm picked. You can eat me fresh or make me into juice, jam, or smoothies. Did you guess... GuavaEspañol: guayaba Guava is a tropical fruit that you should definitely try! Watch the video to see the Snackster Sam correspondent test her senses on guava! Feed your food curiosity! Snackster Sam provides fun and educational content about food that grows. Join the adventure. Download the Snackster Sam app from Google Play or the App Store!