What am I?You could say I'm a power house vegetable. My scent is powerful enough that people used to keep me to scare away vampires. I was given to ancient Olympians to make them stronger. Before modern medicine, I was thought to fight illness. People would even put me on their cuts. Thankfully, we have Band-aids now! How I growMy bulb grows under the ground. My bulb holds water and nutrients for my plant, so even if the weather isn't perfect for growing, I can still survive. I have long green leaves that grow above the ground. The part you eat is also the seed. How I'm picked.Before I'm picked, the farmer stops watering my plant and starts the curing process, where I'm dried out. The farmer knows I'm ready for picking when there are 5 to 6 skins. After I'm picked, I'm dried out in the sun. Leaves cover the bulb to make sure I don't get sunburned! Did you guess... Garlic?Español: ajo Skip the garlic powder and try adding garlic cloves into your next dish! Feed your food curiosity! Snackster Sam provides fun and educational content about food that grows. Join the adventure. Download the Snackster Sam app from Google Play or the App Store!
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