What you'll need:
1. Prepare Sunflower
Remove flower and leaves from the stalk. Cut the stalks so it can fit in a pot. Get a bucket, fill it with water, and add the stalks. Let it soak for 2 hours. Find a fire pit and collect the ash from the bottom of the pit. 2. Boil Remove the stalks from the water and hit them with a hammer to break it up. Add the stalks to a pot with water and bring to a boil. After the stalks are soft, remove from the water and let cool. 3. Blend Add the stalks to a blender and blend until thin. Pour mixture into a rectangular tray (if mixture is too clumpy, blend more or add water.) 4. Make Screen Using an old wooden frame and cut a piece of screen (like for a door). Fasten the screen to the frame. 5. Flip Goop Using the screen, dip it flat into the tray. Carefully bring it over to a cloth surface, flip the screen over quickly, and you should see the goop holding its shape. 5. Wait/Dry Wait a few days for the paper to dry. Now you can cut it, write on it, and use it to make a card for your loved ones. Thank you Wonderopolis for this activity idea! Did you try it? Tell us in the comments below! Snackster Sam provides fun and educational content about food that grows. Join the adventure. Get it where you get apps! Comments are closed.