Test your knowledgeClick on the arrows for the next clue! Sunflower FactsYou most likely think of a sunflower as a beautiful yellow flower, but did you know you can eat it too? You can even make it into paper! Sunflower has a lot of uses and is more than a pretty face. HOW IT GROWS Sunflower starts as a small seed, like the one you're familiar with eating. Planted in the spring, the flower grows over the summer. The stalk grows to be very tall. Some sunflowers only grow 12 inches and some grow to be 16 feet tall! Most flowers grow about 6 feet tall, that's taller than most people! Like its name, the sunflower seeks the sun, which is called heliotropism. After the flower blooms, the flower faces the sun until the stalk is fully grown, and then the flower faces east. DID YOU KNOW
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